HubSpot Web Development for Accu-Tech

Founded in 1984, Georgia-based Accu-Tech is a national distributor of voice, data, A/V, and security products. Accu-Tech supports a robust contractor customer base, providing vendor-independent premise cabling solutions from top industry manufacturers.

Header_Logo_mediumThe Challenge: Create a Cohesive Website

In 2013, Accu-Tech realized that its current website’s design and presentation was not cohesive or user-friendly, and its navigation and structure made it difficult for its customers to find the information they needed. It had been using the same website structure for several years, and as the company added products, simply added content. The website couldn’t accommodate the expanded range of content and was not mobile-responsive.

Additionally, the existing Accu-Tech website wasn’t built for conversions. Site visitors could browse, but if by chance they found what they were looking for, it was hard to figure out how to inquire about products.

The Solution: ClearPivot for their HubSpot Web Development

After talking to its HubSpot representative and looking through the HubSpot partner directory, Accu-Tech contacted ClearPivot. Based on its portfolio and experience, Accu-Tech hired ClearPivot for to redevelop their website.

ClearPivot immediately rolled up its collective sleeves, restructuring Accu-Tech’s site information architecture, structure of pages, and navigation. Then, it created wireframes of eight different page layouts for client review and approval, planning for how the pages would work on both desktop and mobile devices. Next, ClearPivot delivered full-color visual design mockups of the page layouts for Accu-Tech.

Finally, ClearPivot built out the new design on a development site. When the site was ready for launch, ClearPivot migrated the new structure and design into Accu-Tech’s existing HubSpot account. The entire process took three months from engagement to launch.

The Results: An Almost Immediate Doubling of Inbound Leads


Accu-Tech immediately began reaping the rewards of using ClearPivot for its HubSpot website redevelopment. Almost immediately after launch, Accu-Tech experienced a near-doubling in inbound leads from their website, attributable to improved usability and making it easier to find information on the website. This made it easier for Accu-Tech to convert visitors. This wasn’t a one-time jump, either; lead generation was sustained consistently month over month, attributable to the more cohesive website structure that was easier for both people and search engines to access.

For Accu-Tech, using ClearPivot meant a clear path to better visibility, more organic search traffic, and a site that better converted visitors to leads and prospects.